- The current price of Rocket Pool (RPL) token is $34.41.
- RPL market has been in a bearish sentiment in the last 24-hours.
- RPL price is currently down by -26.60% from its all time highs.
At the moment, one Rocket Pool (RPL) coin can be purchased for a price of $34.41. Over the past day and a half, it has gained 8.40%. On 52.03 percent of trading days, the price of RPL finished higher than where it had opened. The highest price that was ever recorded in our data for one RPL was $46.87; this occurred 1 Year and 1 Month ago. The price is presently down by -26.60% from that all-time high.
Our forecast for the price of Rocket Pool in March 2023 indicates that it will be, on average, $72.72; the maximum potential price for that month is projected to be $77.81. This estimate is based on our short-term analysis of market trends.
In addition, based on our research into the long-term future, our Rocket Pool price forecast for July 2023 indicates that the price of RPL will be an average of $79.64, with the highest potential price for July 2023 coming in at $85.22.
Recent RPL Technical Analysis
Rocket Pool (RPL) bulls have been in control of the market over the past day, as evaluated by the widening Bollinger Band (BB) between the current price and its immediate resistance and support levels of 35.3955 and 16.0987, respectively. This indicates that Rocket Pool (RPL) bulls may continue their dominance over the market. The BB demonstrates that there is a greater number of buyers than there are sellers in the RPL. The present upward trend in the RPL market is expected to continue for at least the next several hours.
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) line is above the signal line which further indicates a bullish momentum in the market This could mean that the price of the underlying asset may continue to rise in the near future. Generally, traders can now enter the market to buy the asset as the RSI line is above 70, which indicates overbought conditions hence price reversal may soon take place in the RPL market.
In conclusion as per our price prediction for Rocket Pool token, traders and investors may expect the price of the of RPL to hit new highs and to continue in a bullish trend in the near future. Hence if an investors wants to buy RPL tokens this is the right time for the to do so.
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