Polygon Founder Explains How POL Will Bring More Than MATIC Could

  • Polygon’s POL token redefines network security and roles for holders.
  • Polygon 2.0 broadens into a web of interconnected Layer 2 solutions.
  • POL introduces enshrined restaking, enabling multi-chain security participation.

A few months ago, Polygon (MATIC) made a groundbreaking announcement. In detail, they unveiled a colossal technical advancement with their new Polygon Optimistic Layer (POL). This upgrade is poised to transform the landscape of blockchain security and interconnectivity. 

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Today, Founder of Polygon Labs, Sandeep Nailwal, shares a detailed post about the matter. In particular, he talks about what this shift would mean for MATIC token holders and the POL upgrade.


He begins by explaining POL. POL represents a monumental leap forward in token design, redefining the way networks are secured and operated, he says. Unlike conventional restaking systems, POL introduces the concept of “enshrined restaking”. 

This concept allows users to restake their tokens without exposing themselves to added risks. This innovation aims to enhance network decentralization by minimizing reliance on third-party entities, thereby creating a more robust and secure ecosystem.

He elaborates saying that at the core of this transformation lies the Polygon 2.0 proposal. Thus, with this upgrade, the Polygon Ecosystem is evolving from a single chain to a dynamic web of Layer 2 (L2) solutions that seamlessly interact and share liquidity. 

In fact, Polygon’s Proof-of-Stake (POS) mechanism will transition into an L2 within this network of zk-powered L2s. Therefore, validators will undertake a multiplicity of roles, from securing the hub to generating proofs and orchestrating transactions as sequencers.

The Power of POL 

POL will act as the linchpin of this evolved ecosystem. In Polygon 2.0, POL tokens will be staked in the central hub, enabling the token holders to participate in securing multiple chains across the network. 

This transformative approach empowers token holders to engage in various roles while staking on numerous chains, enabling them to reap greater rewards without increasing their staked capital.

A Paradigm Shift in Token Design Described as a “third-generation token”,  Nailwal says POL transcends the limitations of its predecessors. In the token evolution timeline, Generation 1 featured BTC, with holders unable to participate in network security. Likewise, Generation 2 brought ETH, permitting holders to stake for network security. Now, Generation 3 introduces POL, where holders can secure multiple networks and assume diverse roles.

As the Polygon network undergoes this revolutionary upgrade, it sets a new benchmark for blockchain security, flexibility, and decentralized governance. The introduction of POL stands as a testament to Polygon’s unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the crypto space.

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