Huobi Shuts Down all Intra-Employee IMs, Is Sun Rugging?

Exclusive: Huobi Forces Employees To Accept Payments In Crypto
  1. Huobi Global has terminated all internal instant messaging for employees.
  2. According to experts, this is very risky.
  3. Another report claims that widespread layoffs at Huobi are imminent.

According to a report that was released recently by CNL, it would seem that Huobi Global`s options are melting, which may also be happening to His Excellency Justin Sun Tron’s fortune. This comes after Sun terminated all internal instant messaging and apparently dismissed a bunch of staff working for Huobi Global.

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It has been suggested by specialists that this is risky, and it cannot be ruled out that staff inside the company may stage a coup and steal user assets directly, or that programmers could introduce backdoor trojan horses. It is essential to take notice that instances of this kind have taken place on various exchanges over the course of the last year.

Those who have assets stored on Huobi have been advised by a variety of sources to rapidly remove such assets, while users who do not have assets should delete the Huobi app to avoid it from being automatically upgraded to a version that contains a Trojan horse.

This information comes after another claiming widespread layoffs at Huobi are imminent. In the next months, they plan to lay off between 300 and 600 workers, bringing the total down from 1,200. In light of this decision, both year-end bonuses and the pay of senior executives will be reduced.

However, on December 29, while this narrative was developing, Justin Sun tweeted that he was increasing his staff. In light of his tweet on the need of hiring a diverse staff, he intends to give preference to women when filling open positions.

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