Top 5 DAO Coins by Alt Rank

Top 5 Tokens by Alt Rank: January 24th Alt Rank is a unique measurement by LunarCRUSH, that combines actual altcoin price performance.

Ethereum Carbon Footprint Reduce 99.99% After Merge
ETH Staking Leads to Major DAO Pumps, Find Out How

DAO’s have been seeing a major pump recently. The reason behind this sudden surge in DAOs can be traced back to Ethereum staking initiatives within the Ether (ETH) holders community. The reason behind the massive DAO pump within the crypto community is explored by one enthusiastic crypto fan on the CryptoCurrency Reddit thread. The user goes into detail in explaining how these DAO pumps are coming into play now. Specifically, the user says that this phenomenon is finally taking place because many crypto stakers in the market have been staking their ETH for a very long time. Now, the time

CFTC Chastised For 'Blatant Regulation Via Enforcement'
CFTC Chastised For ‘Blatant Regulation Via Enforcement’

The CFTC’s measures are being strongly opposed by its own commissioner. A lawyer complained at length about the SEC abusing CFTC`S tactic. Reportedly, Ooki DAO violated CEA and CFTC rules with impunity. After bringing a federal civil enforcement action against members of the decentralized autonomous organization Ooki DAO for digital asset trading violations, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) drew harsh condemnation from the community which was unexpected. The CFTC announced on September 22 that it had filed and simultaneously resolved charges against Tom Bean and Kyle Kistner, the creators of decentralized trading platform bZeroX, for their participation in “illegally

The DAO Architect Exit’s Ethereum, Says Web3 is a Mess
The DAO Architect Exit’s Ethereum, Says Web3 is a Mess

The DAO architect Stephen Tual left Ethereum for good.  He did so because he believes web3 is not heading in the direction it should be heading to. After 9 years in Ethereum, he could not stay amidst the many failures anymore. The DAO architect turns his back on Ethereum after nine years. Stephen Tual was one of the main designers of The DAO in 2016. Last week, he sent an email to an Ethereum London meet-up. The email marked his stepping-down from running the meet-up.  More shockingly, he said he would be leaving Ethereum forever. His reason for doing so

Polkadot Global Hackathon Now $270K Prize Pool
Polkadot Global Hackathon Now $270K Prize Pool

Polkadot Hackathon Global Series: North America to launch on May 30. The event is open for all, though it focuses on North America. The $270,000 prize pool will update on a rolling basis. Global hackathon organization AngelHack announced via tweet the first Polkadot Hackathon Global series: North America from May 30 to July 18, 2022. After the huge success of Polkadot APAC Hackathon in October 2021, the Web3 Foundation now brings this fully virtual program that will last for six weeks. Focusing on Substrate, Polkadot, and Kusama, the hackathon will gather a diverse community of blockchain developers to build and