1. Rewards for the New RON liquidity pools start today.
  2. Visit the Katana Dex to make deposits into the new pools.
  3. New RON liquidity pool will boost RON staking readiness.

Recently, the Ronin (RON) network made a public announcement that the Katana DEX would be online today with incentives for the new RON liquidity pools.

According to recent reports, this is excellent news for those who make use of the Ronin network because it would improve a crucial phase in the process of getting ready for RON staking by improving the availability and liquidity of Ronin. This would be the case because this would improve Ronin’s availability.

Trading on an exchange is made easier by the use of something called a liquidity pool, which consists of paired tokens that are kept safe under a smart contract. The tokens that are part of the pool may then be freely exchanged in this manner.

In a subsequent tweet, RON revealed that this Liquidity Provider (LP) token is capable of being integrated into the new Ronin network. They then moved on to the next step, which was adding the block where the prizes would eventually start to appear.

In order to earn Ronin token rewards, users must first deposit cash into a RON liquidity pool in exchange for LP tokens, and then stake the LP tokens for Ronin tokens. The second step is to stake your LP tokens in exchange for RON incentives, which will be distributed in accordance with the amount of LP tokens you contributed to the pool.

With these new liquidity pools accessible, Ronin can continue its ground-breaking transition to DPoS. More RON will be available and simpler to stake because to these new pools. It’s been an incredible ride thus far, and we couldn’t be happier with where Ronin is headed. For Ronin, a whole new era has just begun.

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Kelvin enjoys writing about cryptocurrency and blockchain. He started blogging in 2019 and switched to cryptocurrency in 2020. Kelvin is interested in technology, football, chess, and Defi. He wants decentralization to benefit everyone on the planet.