Nakamoto Games and Google Announce Collaboration, NAKA Chosen for Its High Achievement and Vision for Blockchain Gaming

  • Nakamoto Games announces collaboration with Google for its latest gaming workshop.
  • NAKA is recognized for its incredible dedication and innovation for blockchain gaming.
  • NAKAFAM hinted to expect the unexpected and incredible new ventures are teased.

Nakamoto Games makes another spectacular reveal in what is another significant milestone for the crypto and blockchain gaming project. In particular, Nakamoto Games reveals its latest collaboration with Google.

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In detail, Nakamoto Games’ latest gaming workshop involves the world-leading tech titan, Google and together they elevated NAKA to extraordinary new levels. Following this collaboration the NAKAFAM and the largest crypto community can expect product launches, cross-ecosystem integration with industry giants, and other strategic collaborations.

Specifically, it seems Google chose NAKA for the day’s event amongst South East Asia’s leading Web2 and Web3 gaming companies. More impressively, the project was recognized for its impressive technological advancements which allows millions of users to earn through gaming.

To highlight, Google’s local executive team reveals that NAKA stands alone in truly harnessing blockchain technology for the equitable distribution of economic benefits for internet users across the world.

This is most exciting for Nakamoto Games as it gives NAKA high recognition as the only GameFi company that deeply understands the reward process for players in regard to their gameplay time.

Nakamoto Games has been dropping incredibly bullish news over the past few weeks. While one included the reveal of Gold and Gem assets, another revealed a triple game release. Meanwhile, the most bullish announcement made yesterday unveiled a collaboration with AIOZ Network and the esteemed and renowned Nvidia.

Truly Nakamoto Games is on a journey to not only establish itself as a leader in crypto gaming, but in also settling new standards in the industry and far beyond. The announcement concludes with the project telling its community to expect the unexpected and big movements are on the way.

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