Bitcoin News

Over 50% of Global Bitcoin Mining Now Powered by Renewable Energy
Over 50% of Global Bitcoin Mining Now Powered by Renewable Energy

🌱 NEW REPORT: Over 50% of global #Bitcoin mining is now powered by renewable energy, making it one of the most sustainable industries, according to Bloomberg. This could be a game-changer for the cryptocurrency’s perception and future investments! 🌍 #SustainableCrypto #GreenBitcoin

Bitcoin vs. XRP: The Path to Becoming a Millionaire
Bitcoin vs. XRP: The Path to Becoming a Millionaire

πŸ€‘ The choice is yours, #XRPCommunity! Buy 1 Bitcoin for $25,700 and wait for it to hit $1 million, or buy 1000 XRP for $480 and wait for it to hit $1000. Either way, the millionaire dream is alive! But remember, invest wisely! πŸš€ #Bitcoin #XRP #CryptoInvesting