• ChatGPT user alleges AI predicts massive crypto surges, presents screenshot.
  • Community doubts authenticity, citing their own unsuccessful attempts to elicit predictions.
  • Reminder to verify crypto information, rely on trusted sources amid online controversies.

A ChatGPT user has stirred controversy by claiming that the AI predicted significant price surges for five cryptocurrencies, including Ripple‘s XRP, in 2024. The user presented a screenshot of the alleged chat conversation as evidence.


According to the shared chat, ChatGPT supposedly guaranteed a staggering 100,000% surge in the prices of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Cardano (ADA), XRP, and RNT (Rencome Network) in the coming year. The bold predictions caught the attention of the crypto community.

However, responses to the post questioned the authenticity of the chat and accused it of being misleading. Users stated that they attempted similar inquiries with ChatGPT and received consistent responses denying the ability to predict specific cryptocurrency price movements.

One user expressed skepticism, he accuses the post of being a lie. He adds that he has tried several ways to ask ChatGPT this question, and it says there is no way to predict. Another user concurred, highlighting the standard response from ChatGPT regarding crypto predictions, emphasizing the market’s volatility and susceptibility to various influences.

The controversy serves as a reminder to the crypto community about the importance of discerning reliable information in the online space, especially on platforms like Crypto Twitter. Experts advise conducting thorough research and relying on trusted sources with established credibility within the crypto community.

As the debate unfolds, users are cautioned to approach such claims with caution and verify information from reputable sources, considering the inherent complexities and uncertainties associated with predicting crypto market movements.

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Nicole D'souza Posted by

Lead Editor and Senior Journalist

Ensuring authentic and organic news stories in the realm of web3, blockchain, and cryptocurrency, Lauren exercises her focused and vigilant art of storytelling in the form of factual and prominent industry news. She is especially fascinated by the latest development in blockchain innovation and crypto regulations.