Bitcoin News

Shell Shows Interest in Bitcoin
Global Oil Giant Shell Participates in Bitcoin 2023

🔥 Big news! Shell, one of the world’s largest oil & gas companies, is attending the world’s biggest #Bitcoin conference. A sign of growing interest from traditional sectors in cryptocurrencies. Stay tuned for more updates! #Shell #Crypto

Bitcoin Lightning Network
Taproot Assets v0.2: New Era for Bitcoin Lightning Network

Big news from Lightning Labs! Taproot Assets v0.2 is now on testnet, allowing unlimited asset minting and movement in a single transaction on the Bitcoin Lightning Network. Exciting times ahead for instant, high-volume, low-fee transactions. #Bitcoin #LightningNetwork #Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin miners profit
Bitcoin Miners’ Revenue and Holdings Surge in Q1 Reports

Bitcoin miners, take a breather!🚀 After a challenging 2022, Q1 reports show a bounce in revenue and increased Bitcoin holdings. Rising transaction fees and a YTD uptick in Bitcoin price are the heroes of this recovery. Discover more in our latest analysis. #Bitcoin #CryptoMining #BitcoinNews